AI Templates



Secondary Research

Summarize secondary desk research, evaluate it, and look for gaps in knowledge to fill with more secondary or primary research.

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Secondary Research Template | AI-Powered Research Analysis

Secondary research overview

Secondary research, also known as desk research or literature review, plays a crucial role in the realm of research and analysis. While primary research generates firsthand data (primary data), secondary research involves analyzing existing information to provide broader context, identify gaps, and justify the need for new investigations (secondary data). With the aid of this AI-powered desk research template, researchers can efficiently summarize and evaluate datasets, extract key findings, and generate ideas for further exploration.

How this secondary research template may help:

  • Comprehensive Analysis: This template enables researchers to structure their secondary research analysis by organizing sections such as methods, context, conclusions, findings, and evaluation. This systematic approach ensures a thorough examination of the secondary research dataset and facilitates the extraction of valuable insights.
  • Identifying Knowledge Gaps: By critically evaluating the research, this desk research template helps researchers identify areas where additional primary or secondary research is needed. Through "How Might We" statements or hypotheses, researchers can pinpoint specific information gaps and propose avenues for further investigation.
  • Time Efficiency: Leveraging this template, researchers can condense extensive research into a concise summary, saving valuable time and effort. This template streamlines the process of evaluating existing data and extracting relevant information, allowing researchers to focus on generating new knowledge.

Some potential secondary research use cases

  • Research Synthesis: This secondary research template is valuable for consolidating information from multiple data sources, such as whitepapers, academic papers, or research reports, into a cohesive summary. Researchers can gain a comprehensive understanding of a particular topic or field by analyzing and synthesizing existing knowledge.
  • Project Background: When embarking on a new research project, this template assists in establishing the project's context and justifying its objectives. By presenting a literature review and outlining previous findings, researchers can provide the necessary background for their upcoming investigations.
  • Identifying Research Opportunities: This secondary research template empowers researchers to identify research gaps and propose potential avenues for exploration. By assessing the limitations and shortcomings of existing studies, researchers can formulate research questions that address these gaps, fostering innovation and contributing to the growth of knowledge.

Summary template

This is a summary template. You can use summary templates on any video, audio, or text file in Notably.

Learn more about summary templates.

Insight template

This is an insight template. You can use insight templates with any analyzed data in a Notably project.

Learn more about Insight templates.

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